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St Michael's C of E Primary School

Christian Character

We are a Church of England Primary School and this gives us a particular outlook on educating children. As with the very early days of most church schools, the education was offered to all children no matter what their beliefs, tradition, racial or economic background.  The very foundation of the school is based on inclusion and treating all people with respect.  We wholeheartedly embrace that and endorse this in our vision:  

Enjoy the present~Educate for the future~Inspire with love

We recognise the uniqueness and joy in every child and give opportunities for children in a safe learning environment, to form memories and experiences that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

We have six core Christian values which reflect the qualities we aspire to develop and promote in our learners throughout the year.

Our Six Core Christian Values

  • Friendship
  • Peace
  • Perseverance
  • Hope
  • Compassion
  • Respect

These values are discussed and explored within the classrooms and through our acts of Collective Worship and assemblies programme. Through our values, we have high expectations for our children in terms of how we should behave towards each other in order to create a safe learning environment in which everyone can make a positive contribution and challenge themselves to do their best.

We welcome Father Malcolm in to lead our worship each week as well as termly visits from the Winterbourne Assembly team.

Worship Team

We also have a child-led Worship team.  Each Thursday morning, the children lead collective worship for the whole school.  They follow the theme for the term.

During the service the team welcome the children, read a lesson or tell a story from the Bible, give time for children to respond and reflect, sing a hymn and say the Lord’s prayer.

Our School Prayer

This is our school,
Let peace come here,
Let the room be full of contentment,
Let love be here,
Love of one another,
Love of mankind
And love of God.
Let us remember that as many hands build a house
So many hearts make a school.
