St Michael's C of E Primary School
Special Educational Needs
At St Michael’s we value each child as an individual and a child with special educational needs is no exception; he or she should have their needs met so that they can thrive.
New regulations for special Educational Needs and Disability came into effect from September 2014. This now means that where appropriate, the views of the child will be sought and taken into account; with parents having a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education.
Children with special educational needs should be offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum for the foundation stage and National Curriculum.
Where a child’s needs cannot be met solely by the class teacher, Mrs Wilton (SEND Co-ordinator) will be approached and advice from outside agencies may be sought. If appropriate, the child will be added to the school’s SEND Register and will be classed as “SEN Support.” A programme of support and tailored activities will then be made available to that child.
Children who receive extra support may then have access to one of our newly created SEN or ASD hubs. These hubs are staffed by a teaching assistant and children receive tailored 1:1 or small group support away from the main class for a period of time each day, if appropriate. These hubs are open at break and lunchtimes for children who find playtimes overwhelming. The impact of intervention is regularly monitored and should intervention be seen to be having little effect and progress stalling, an application for an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) may then be made for that child. Please refer to the SEND Information Report to see the stages of support.
Mrs Wilton can be contacted via the School Office.
By telephone: 01454 867105
or email: office@stmichaelswinterbourne.co.uk.
Any parents who are concerned about their child’s progress should make an appointment to see their child’s class teacher or the SENDCo in the first instance. Mrs Lara Rumley is the academy councillor with designated responsibility for special needs; she and Mrs Wilton liaise regularly.
Please see the following links for useful information: