St Michael's C of E Primary School
Free School Meals
For every child who claims Free School Meals, the school gets £1455 per year as part of the ‘Pupil Premium’ scheme. So, if 20 children apply for Free School Meals, the school will receive an additional £26,000. This could help pay for extra teaching resources, buying in extra teachers, mentoring for your child. If you claim for Free School Meals at any point in your child’s education, the funding remains with them for 6 years regardless of whether you are in receipt of any of the benefits or support below. This means that your child could be entitled to £8730 over that period.
Signing up for free school meals does not mean your child has to have school meals every day. Children on free school meals can still choose to have packed lunches brought from home every day, or can choose to have a school meal only on days when they like the menu choices.
To get the money for our school you have to apply even if your child is receiving an INFANT FREE SCHOOL MEAL. If you don’t apply we lose that money for your child.
It’s easy to apply. Telephone 01454 868008 and give the following information
Parent/carer details Name Date of birth National Insurance Number |
Child’s details Name Date of birth School name |
Or follow this link:
The rest is done for you. If you would like help in applying for this funding, please come into the Office and we will be able to help you.
Apply for free school meals – it will mean extra funding for your child and our school