St Michael's C of E Primary School
Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
We would like to welcome you all to year 4 and the start of a new school year! We have many exciting topics and activities planned and are looking forward to getting to know all the children.
Mrs Duncan teaches the first part of the week (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Burch teaches the class on Thursday and Friday.
This year we are continuing our curriculum focus with three main topics: European Mountains (Terms 1&2), Ancient Greeks and Romans (Terms 3,4 & 5) and the Arts (Term 6).
We will be reading lots of great books this year, including: The Black Dog, The Firework Maker’s Daughter and Rumblestar. These books will be the basis for developing both our creative and factual writing, and we will continue to focus closely on spelling and grammar. Reading and spelling practice at home will play a fundamental role in supporting your child’s progress with writing in school. Please encourage children to access Spelling Shed regularly and support your child in reading 4 times a week or more.
Homework will be set on a Friday. This will be spelling, reading and times tables. Please encourage your child to practise the week’s times table focus regularly on Times Tables Rockstars (TTRs) to help prepare them for the Year 4 assessment in June. A printed copy of the homework sheets will be given to the children on a Friday. Whilst there will not be a spelling test, we will be monitoring the correct use of the spellings in our writing throughout the week. Children can practise the week’s spelling focus on Spelling Shed. The children will need to wear their PE kits to school every Monday and Thursday.
Thank you for all your support with our Year 4 learning so far, and your continued support in the future. We look forward to a busy yet exciting year ahead!
Mrs Duncan and Mrs Burch